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[HEADING=1]Chapter 1: Introducing Aescripts GEOlayers 3 v1.7.0[/HEADING]
Discover the revolutionary features of GEOlayers 3 that allow you to design and animate maps effortlessly in After Effects. From custom map creation to direct access to extensive geospatial databases, GEOlayers 3 brings a new level of flexibility to your animation projects.
[HEADING=1]Chapter 2: Gfx Plugin Details of Aescripts GEOlayers on GFXInspire[/HEADING]
Explore the details of the GEOlayers plugin on GFXInspire, located in the After Effects Plugins category from AeScripts. For more insights and information, check out the home page link in the sidebar or search for similar products related to GEOlayers.
[HEADING=1]Chapter 3: What's New in GEOlayers 3?[/HEADING]
GEOlayers 3 has been rebuilt entirely from scratch, addressing user feedback and enhancing the overall user experience. Discover the exciting new features, including:
Experience a redesigned user interface for improved navigation and accessibility.
[HEADING=2]3.2 Maps in 3D[/HEADING]
Maps can now be pitched or rotated in 3D space, providing a dynamic perspective to your animations.
[HEADING=2]3.3 Automatic Labels[/HEADING]
Enjoy the convenience of automatic labels, streamlining the process of adding information to your maps.
[HEADING=2]3.4 Map Styling in After Effects[/HEADING]
Customize map styling directly within After Effects, allowing you to choose colors, adjust line widths, and more.
[HEADING=2]3.5 Faster Finalization[/HEADING]
Experience faster finalization processes, optimizing your workflow for efficiency.
[HEADING=2]3.6 Scripting API[/HEADING]
Take advantage of the scripting API for enhanced customization and control.
[HEADING=1]Chapter 4: Great Features of GEOlayers 3[/HEADING]
Explore the exceptional features that GEOlayers 3 brings to your After Effects projects:
[HEADING=2]4.1 Animate in 3D Space[/HEADING]
Intuitive controls for animating maps in 3D space, providing a range of options for scroll, zoom, pinch, and rotate.
[HEADING=2]4.2 Online Search[/HEADING]
Effortlessly search for geographical features online, including countries, cities, landmarks, and more, enhancing your animation with real-world data.
[HEADING=2]4.3 Map Styling[/HEADING]
Design your maps with complete creative freedom, adjusting colors, fonts, line widths, and other styling elements directly within After Effects.
[HEADING=2]4.4 Labels[/HEADING]
Add customizable labels to your animations with a single click, using default templates or creating your own.
[HEADING=2]4.5 Data Visualization[/HEADING]
Import datasets from .csv or .tsv file formats for data-driven shape layer styling, allowing quick visualization of datasets within your compositions.
[HEADING=2]4.6 3D Landscapes[/HEADING]
Create stunning 3D landscapes with a single click, leveraging plugins like Trapcode Mir 3, Mettle FreeFormPro, or Rowbyte Plexus 3.
[HEADING=1]Chapter 5: New Changes in Version 1.7.0[/HEADING]
Stay updated with the latest changes in version 1.7.0, including bug fixes, new features like Helium Plugin support for 3D Landscapes, enhanced language support, and improvements in file search API.
[HEADING=1]Meta Description:[/HEADING]
Download Aescripts GEOlayers 3 v1.7.0 for free on GFXInspire and revolutionize your map animation in After Effects. With features like 3D animation, online search, and data visualization, GEOlayers 3 enhances your creative workflow. Elevate your After Effects projects with this innovative and powerful plugin.
GEOlayers 3 on GFXInspire offers a groundbreaking approach to map animation. Download now to explore the new dimensions of creativity, efficiency, and control in After Effects. Unlock the potential of seamless map integration for your animations